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18 October 2007

Top Countries To Search On Sex & Jihad

Info ini bagus sekali, dari data yg dikeluarkan Google atas keyword by country, kemudian diolah lagi oleh Reuters menjadi daftar negara yg "most likely" melakukan search atas beberapa keyword tertentu.

Keyword: SEX
Country: Mesir, India, Turki
---> cocoklah, ini memang negeri pemakan daging kambing semua :-) untung Indonesia gak masuk sini, malu juga kalo masuk.

Keyword: JIHAD
Country: Maroko, Indonesia, Pakistan
---> gawat nih, kita masuk sini, semakin jelek saja pandangan dunia terhadap negeri kita, apalagi data ini shahih.

Keyword: IRAQ
Country: United States, Australia, Canada
---> kebayang ketakutan (atau concern) mereka terhadap Irak.

Info diatas diambil dari artikel di Reuters yang menganalisis data yang dikeluarkan oleh Google dari data pencarian sejak tahun 2004 hingga kini.

Berikut saya copy:

Sex, Nazi, burrito and Viagra: Who Googles what?
Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:17am EDT

BERLIN, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Internet users in Egypt, India and Turkey are the world's most frequent searchers for Web sites using the keyword "sex" on Google search engines, according to statistics provided by Google Inc.

Germany, Mexico and Austria were world's top three searchers of the word "Hitler" while "Nazi" scored the most hits in Chile, Australia and the United Kingdom, data from 2004 to the present retrievable on the "Google Trends" Web site showed.

Chile also came in first place searching for the word "gay", followed by Mexico and Colombia.

The top searchers for other keywords were as follows (in order from first to third place):

"Jihad" - Morocco, Indonesia, Pakistan

"Terrorism" - Pakistan, Philippines, Australia

"Hangover" - Ireland, United Kingdom, United States

"Burrito" - United States, Argentina, Canada

"Iraq" - United States, Australia, Canada

"Taliban" - Pakistan, Australia, Canada

"Tom Cruise" - Canada, United States, Australia

"Britney Spears" - Mexico, Venezuela, Canada

"Homosexual" - Philippines, Chile, Venezuela

"Love" - Philippines, Australia, United States

"Botox" - Australia, United States, United Kingdom

"Viagra" - Italy, United Kingdom, Germany

"David Beckham" - Venezuela, United Kingdom, Mexico

"Kate Moss" - Ireland, United Kingdom, Sweden

"Dolly Buster" - Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia

"Car bomb" - Australia, United States, Canada

"Marijuana" - Canada, United States, Australia

"IAEA" - Austria, Pakistan, Iran

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